Monday, July 9, 2012

Author and Career success


Hay, A and Hodgkinson, M. (2006)., Exploring MBA career success. Career Development International, 11, 2, 108-124
·         A total of 36 in-depth interviews were undertaken with MBA alumni which sought to capture the individual's own account of their career success in relation to their MBA.
·         The study utilised an inductive data analysis approach.
·         study conducted at top 15 business schools in the UK
·         interpretive approach
·         qualitative methods
·         purposive sampling
·         semi-structured interviews
·         inductive approach to data analysis (grounded theory)
De Vos, A., De Hauw, S., and Van der Heijden, B. (2011). Competency development and career success: The mediating role of employability. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, 438–447
·         on-line survey, in a large financial institution located in Belgium, which employed about 16,000 white-collar workers at the time of our study
·         Simple random sampling, a total of 1050 employees to participate in an on-line survey.
·         final sample comprised 561 employees
·         five-point Likert scale
·         exploratory factor analysis
·         Chi-square test
Akrivos, C., Ladkin, A., and Reklitis, P. (2007). Hotel managers’ career strategies for success. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 19(2), 107-119.
·         case study approach
·         sample of 65 Greek deluxe hotel’s general managers
·         postal questionnaire
·         sample represented
Hennequin, E. (2007). What “career success” means to blue-collar workers. Career Development International 12(6), 565-581.
·         French blue-collar workers, 25 interviews
·         qualitative approach,
·         Semi-structured interviews

Ballout, H. I. (2008). Work-family conflict and career success: the effects of domain-specific determinant. Journal of Management Development, 27(5), 437-466.
·         Qualitative research
·         Drawing on existing theoretical and empirical evidence the paper develops and presents a conceptual framework of the relationships between domain-specific variables, work-family conflict, and career success.
·         The paper also presents propositions based on the relationships suggested by the framework
Winchester, H. Lorenzo, S., Browning, L., and Chesterman, C. (2006). Academic women's promotions in Australian universities. Employee Relations, 28(6), 505 – 522.
·         examined promotions policies and procedures of 34 of 38 Australian Universities
·         qualitative content Analysis
·         interviews 17 universities
·         interviews were undertaken by two of the co-authors of this paper (both female).
·         interviewees were predominantly senior University staff, both male and female
·         Content analysis of Australian university promotion policies
Rippon, J.H. (2005). Re-defining careers in education. Career Development International, 10(4), 275-292
·         qualitative
·         method: interview
·         Twelve participants
·         theoretical sampling
·         Grounded theory

Gainor, K. A. (2006). Twenty-Five Years of Self-Efficacy in Career Assessment and Practice. Journal of Career Assessment 14(1), 161-178.
·         experimental and quasi-experimental studies
·         program evaluations studies
·         analog studies
·         program descriptions
·         concerning self-efficacy in career assessment and practice published in refereed professional journals during the past 25 years.
·         reviewed the literature review sections
·         31 articles

Gubbins, M.C., and Garavan, T. N. (2005). Studying HRD Practitioners: A Social Capital Model. Human Resource Development Review, 4(2), 189-218.
·         Concept paper
·         Theoretical development
Ismail, M.,  Mohd Rasdi, R., and Abdul Wahat, N. W. (2005). High-flyer women academicians: factors contributing to success. Women in Management Review 20(2), 117-132.
·         career-history method
·         in-depth interviews, combined with personal documents
·         study sample consists of women professors
·         31 women professors
·         were interviewed
·         recorder-cum-transcriber was used
·         Constant comparative analysis of data (Glaser and Strauss, 1967)
Coleman, M. (2010). Women-only (homophilous) networks supporting women leaders in education. Journal of Educational Administration, 48, 6, 769-781.
·         two case studies of networks A and B
·         Qualitative research: semi-structured interviews
·         Network A had 20 members
·         Network B had 50 members.
Enache, M., Sallan, J.M., Simo, P., Fernandez, V. (2011). Career attitudes and subjective career success: tackling gender differences. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 26(3), 234 – 250.
·         web-based survey
·         434 Spanish graduate and post-graduate distance-learning students of the psychology, business administration, humanities, communication, and law degrees
·         167 surveys were submitted by the respondents
·         eight-item scale and six-item scale
·         Cognitive interviews
·         Cronbach’s a coefficient
·         reliability analysis
·         Correlation analyses

Bozionelos, N., Bozionelos, G., Kostopoulos, K., Polychroniou, P. (2011). How providing mentoring relates to career success and organizational commitment: A study in the general managerial population. Career Development International 16(5), 446-468
·         two cohorts of first year executive Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) students in a Business School
·         Questionnaires were handed in the class
·         365 completed questionnaires, 194 were included in the analysis
·         Descriptive statistics
·         Subjective career success measured with seven items from Gattiker and Larwood (1986) in a five-point response format
·         Mentoring received assessed with seven items on a five-point response
·         Format
·         Mentoring provided measured with a scale that contained eight items on a five-point response format
·         principal components analysis
·         varimax rotation
·         Pearson correlation coefficients

Tharmaseelan, N., Inkson, K., and Carr, S.C. (2010). Migration and career success: testing a time-sequenced model. Career Development International 15(3), 218-238.
·         participants were Sri Lankans
·         Eight hundred questionnaires were distributed, of which 210 of the 221 returned questionnaires were usable, all from Sri Lankans 25 years or over
·         five-item scale incorporating the major themes of success indicated by Hall (1996)
·         Reliability tests (Cronbach’s a)
·         Regression analysis
·         Correlation analysis
·         Wash scale
·         Post-hoc analysis
Thanacoody, P.R., Bartram, T., Barker, M., and Jacobs, K., (2006). Career progression among female Academics: A comparative study of Australia and Mauritius. Women in Management Review 21(7), 536-553.
·         case-study approach
·         Thirty in-depth interviews from two universities
·         data consisted of open-ended questions
·         Half of the interviews were tape-recorded and notes were also taken during all of the Interviews
·         Comparative analysis of data (Glaser and Strauss, 1967)
Heslin, P.A. (2003). Self- and Other-Referent Criteria of Career Success. Journal of Career Assessment, 11(3), 262–286.
·         Part-time MBA students (N = 71) at a leading Canadian business school
·         Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (not too successful) to 7 (very successful).
·         test-retest reliability
·         open ended Question for H1
·         Hypotheses 2, 3a, and 4 were assessed with a slightly modified version of the widely used career satisfaction scale developed by Greenhaus et al. (1990)
·         convergent and discriminant validity

Lent, R.W., and Brown, S.D. (1996). The career development quarterly, Social cognitive approach to career development: an overview, 44, 4, 310-321
·         Concept paper
·         SCCT adopts Bandura’s (1986) triadic reciprocal model of causality
Yeo, R.K., and Li, J. (2011). Working out the quality of work life: A career development perspective with insights for human resource management. Human Resource Management International Digest 19(3), 39-45.
·         US study of data collected between 2007-2009 from 140 working people who had decided to improve their career prospects and, thereby, their quality of work life, through professional education
·         data analysis
Mohd Rasdi, R., Ismail, M., Uli, J., Mohd Noah, S. (2009). Career Aspirations and Career Success Among Managers in the Malaysian Public Sector. Research Journal of International Studies, 9, 21-35.
·         large cross-sectional career success study conducted on managers of Malaysian public sector organizations
·         quantitative survey
·         seven-point Likert-like scale
·         Cronbach’s Alpha
·         open-ended questions
Sullivan, S.E., Baruch, Y., and Schepmyer, H. (2010). The Why, What, and How of Reviewer Education: A Human Capital Approach. Journal of Management Education,34(3), 393–429.
·         Concept paper
Stumpf, S.A. (2010). Stakeholder competency assessments as predictors of career success. Career Development International, 15, 5, 459-478
·         342 people participated, 330 sample, participating in a MBA degree program (94 percent) or a corporate executive development program
·         Factor analyses
·         five-point response scales (Likert scale)
·         Principal Component Analysis with Varimax Rotation and Kaiser Normalization
·         simple correlations of the eight competency dimensions for each rater group

Ahmad Tipu, S.A., and Manzoor Arain, F. (2011). Managing success factors in entrepreneurial ventures: a behavioral approach, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 17(5), 534-560.
·         case-study approach
·         Three ventures from Pakistan’s food industry were selected
·         interviews
·         comparative analyses
·         semi-structured questionnaire
·         Thematic analysis of interview transcripts

Ng, T.W.H., Eby, L.T., Sorensen, K.L., Feldman, D.C. (2005). Predictors of objective and subjective career success: A meta-analysis, Personnel Psychology, 58, 367-408.
·         Meta-analysis,
·         140 relevant articles.
·         Random sample of 30 studies.
·         correlation coefficient analysis.
·         average correlation
·         moderator analyses, used 15 studies and Q statistic
·         weighted least-squares multiple regression 
Mayrhofer, W., Meyer, M., Schiffinger, M., and Schmidt, A. (2008). The influence of family responsibilities, career fields and gender on career success: An empirical study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(3), 292-323.
·         Questionnaire during the 2004 and 2005 follow-up surveys of a panel study started in 2000. The sample consists of 305 business school graduates
·         partial least squares (PLS) procedure
·         significance of the path coefficients was determined using a bootstrap procedure (e.g. Chin, 1998) with 500 subsamples
·         instability of work content (11-point scale ranging from “very stable” to
·         “ever-changing”
·         correlation matrix
·         Harman one-factor test as a preliminary analysis
Omar, Z., Krauss, S.E., Sail, R.M., and Ismail, I.F. (2011)., Exploring career success of late bloomers from the TVET background. Education & Training, 53(7), 603-624
·         both quantitative and qualitative approaches
·         Survey data: 86 TVET graduate late bloomers
·         seven-point scale format (likert scale)
·         semi-structured interview protocol
·         Data analysis using SPSS
·         Descriptive analysis
·         one-way ANOVA
·         Spearman’s rank-order correlation test
·         Qualitative data analysis using a basic thematic analysis approach.

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